%% Segmment cells in an image? % A customer recently provided me with an image of cells that were roughly % circular, but not very well defined, and often overlapping. He asked how % we might use MATLAB and the <http://www.mathworks.com/products/image/ Image Processing Toolbox> % to segment the cells in the presence of noise. % % Many of us know the Hough transform functionality in the Image Processing % Toolbox, and the ability of that function to detect lines in an image. % With some modifications, the Hough transform can be used to find other % shapes as well. In this case, I wanted to find circles; a quick search % for "detect circles" on the MATLAB Central File Exchange revealed % <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadAuthor.do?objectId=1094843&objectType=author Tao Peng>'s % implementation of the % <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=9168&objectType=FILE Circular Hough Transform>. % After an easy download, I was on my way to solving the problem. Tao's file is <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadAuthor.do?objectType=author&objectId=1093599 Brett>'s % choice for this week's Pick of the Week. % % (Thanks to Cem Girit at Biopticon Corp. for permission to use his image!) %% Read, Display image togglefig Original % Note: togglefig is a utility function I wrote for managing figure % windows, and is available % <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=18220&objectType=file here>. img = imread('NB1ln1.jpg'); imshow(img); %% How would you segment this? % Segmentation is often a very challenging task, particularly with noisy % images like this one. One might try simple threshold or edge detection % routines, or more sophisticated watershed approaches, for instance. % Unfortunately, none of these approaches was giving me the results I % wanted for this particular image. I was at a bit of a loss--until I found % CircularHough_Grd. Tao suggests some filtering operations in his very % helpful comments. For this demonstration, I'm going to see how the % algorithm can perform with just some very minor pre-processing. %% Discarding color information % Tao's function works directly on grayscale images. Rather than converting % the color image to grayscale with the Image Processing Toolbox's RGB2GRAY % function, I elected to simply use the first (red) color plane, and to % use adaptive histogram equalization: togglefig('Red Plane, Adjusted') red = img(:,:,2); red = adapthisteq(red); imshow(red) %% Parameters for the segmentation % Before I segment, I needed to know how big the cells were in the image; % CircularHough_Grd takes as an input a range of radii to search for. Using % the IMDISTLINE function in the Image Processing Toolbox's IMTOOL, I % estimated that the radii of interest range from about 5 to 25 pixels. % % You can play around with the other input arguments to modify the % function's sensitivity to less-than-perfect circles, for instance, or to % change the way it deals with concentric circles. This makes the program % pretty flexible! %% Now for the segmentation... tic; [accum, circen, cirrad] = ... CircularHough_Grd(red, [5 25],... 20, 13, 1); toc %% ...and a bit of post-processing % Note to Tao: occasionally, your algorithm returns zero-radii "hits": any(cirrad <= 0) %% % This is easy to address (for instance, to keep the RECTANGLE command below % from erroring), but might be an opportunity for enhancement. if any(cirrad <= 0) inds = find(cirrad>0); cirrad = cirrad(inds); circen = circen(inds,:); end %% View the results % Now let's see how well the algorithm performed: togglefig Results imshow(img); hold on; plot(circen(:,1), circen(:,2), 'r+'); for ii = 1 : size(circen, 1) rectangle('Position',[circen(ii,1) - cirrad(ii), circen(ii,2) - cirrad(ii), 2*cirrad(ii), 2*cirrad(ii)],... 'Curvature', [1,1], 'edgecolor', 'b', 'linewidth', 1.5); end hold off; %% % That's pretty remarkable, especially given the simplicity of my % pre-processing. (Adaptive histogram equilization helped a lot; Tao's % suggested filters improve the performance even more.) %% Final comments % The time it takes to run this algorithm varies markedly, depending on the % user settings. In this case, it took my computer approximately 4 % seconds--but did a pretty amazing job of segmentating the image. Note how % well it handled overlapping cells (circles), for instance: togglefig Blowup imshow(img) xlims = [406 520]; ylims = [52 143]; set(gca,'xlim',xlims,'ylim',ylims) inImageCircles = find(inpolygon(circen(:,1), circen(:,2), xlims([1 2 2 1]), ylims([1 1 2 2]))); for ii = 1 : numel(inImageCircles) rectangle('Position',... [circen(inImageCircles(ii),1) - cirrad(inImageCircles(ii)),... circen(inImageCircles(ii),2) - cirrad(inImageCircles(ii)),... 2*cirrad(inImageCircles(ii)),... 2*cirrad(inImageCircles(ii))],... 'Curvature', [1,1], 'edgecolor', 'b', 'linewidth', 1.5); end %% % If you do any image processing, you might recognize how Tao's function % made a very challenging problem pretty manageable. If you're not an image % processing expert, this might seem a bit arcane to you...but hopefully % you'll find some value in it anyway. I'd love to hear your comments! %% % _Brett Shoelson_ % _Copyright 2008 The MathWorks, Inc._
Friday, 4 July 2014
Segement cells in an image
image processing
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